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This section is updated with scheduled interviews and community events that K4CO Radio will be covering and/or broadcasting live.

Monday, January 13th

Interview at 11:30PM with musician Russ Hopkins from Berthoud, Colorado.

Wednesday, January 15th

Interview at 12:30PM with Dave Jooste, President of Boulder based company Cyber Tech Connection.

Wednesday, January 15th

Interview at 5:30PM with Brett Minzer, President of IT1 Service, an IT company based in Denver.

Friday, January 17th

Interview at 12:30PM with Denver musician Mike Maurer and bass player Dwight Thompson.

Wednesday, January 22nd

Interview at 12:30PM with Denver musician Mad Dog Friedman with Denver band Mad Dog Blues.

Friday, January 24th

Interview and live performance at 12:30PM with Colorado Springs musician Austin Taft.

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